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7th Flotilla

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The 7th Flotilla

The 7th flotilla is part of a big league called the Wolfpack League. The Wolfpack League was formed to regroup Silent Hunter 2 players from around the world. The League is divide into smaller group called Flotilla. The 7th is part of that big scheme. Each Flotillas work under a rank structure and each flotilla homes smaller units called Wolfpacks or Jagdsatz. Each Flotillas are named from their historic counterpart and this one is called WEGENER. I won't tell the story of the 7th but I can tell you one thing.....we have fun here!!!!

Official 7th Flotilla Site

Our Mission

Our mission is simple.....sinking enemy ships while remaining undetected, but once in the game that's another story....

Wolfpack Adler and 7th Flotilla members only
Saint-Nazaire, France